Long time no blog

Wow, look how time has gotten gotten away from me!

Well I have been extremely busy. So whats new with us??? Not only have we just moved into the beautiful house we were building but I'm also 26 weeks pregnant with our second daughter.

The house move has been mostly smooth sailing and we were blessed with husbanditos superintendent at work deciding that he should take a whole swing off work for the move, this has meant that we get to have him here for a whole month block! At first when he rang to tell me that he had a whole month off I must admit I was a little put out...I mean a whole month 24/7 with your husband when your both not working is a long long time. But it has been fantastic in reality, we have managed to get a heap done with moving in, and now he has been here long enough for me to feel really comfortable in the house, so Im not worried about not having him here when he heads back to work. It also meant that I can have  a 'house holiday' as I call it, this is me pretty much telling him to make all the phone calls about house, seeing that in the weeks leading up to settlement I single handily had to do the lot with the house...from every phone call to the builders, gas and electrical companies, hanging around a freezing cold house while the blinds get put in, and so on and so on....

Something else exciting that has happened to our family is the arrival of an unexpected new family member...Bessie the maltese shit-zu terror pup. At the moment we are house training her, which is still a little hit and miss. just when i think she has got it, we seem to take 2 steps backwards! But i guess persistence is the key. Lucky she's so cute!

Now the pregnancy.......I think this topic is worthy of it's known blog piece. :)

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