Becoming Betti Baker

I love Baking, I love the satisfaction you feel when you pull a cake out of the oven, and I defiantly love eating what I bake. But over the years I have become a 'packet cake baker' even though I have many beautiful cook books filled with delicious recipes of cakes, slices, scrolls and tarts.  The convenience of a pack mix started to be my quick and easy baking option with a toddler and a baby hanging off me. But with this easier alternative the fun has been lost somewhat.  I have started to miss that excited nervous feeling of not knowing how a new recipe will turn out and joy when something has turned out even better than excepted.  This blog is my motivation and my promise to become a better baker, to become a baker from scratch again and to become a baker that knows exactly what I'm cooking with! This is my journey to Become Betti Baker.

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