Yoga update

I am pleased to report that so far operation yoga is going well. Over the past week I have put in place a routine of doing yoga one day and Pilates the next,  I have made sure that I am taking 30 minutes a day for myself to get it done, yes at times I have a toddler sitting on my head, or a preschool trying her best to also do downward facing dog next to me, but I am for those 30 minutes letting go of trying to control what it going on around me.  So the yoga / Pilates is probably being good for my soul not just my body.

I am also very happy with my yoga purchases I made earlier in the week, a new mat has made my life cushier literally and I don't know why I had never bought proper sports crop tops before, so much support, and so comfortable on you back, no clips digging into you when laying down.  Another bonus of the crop top for me is that I can clearly see my stomach muscle separation and this serves me with a great source of motivation to keep it up!

Feeling relaxed and stronger already!

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